Zusheng RAO
13137 N. 20th ST
Tampa, FL 33612, USA
e-mail: zrao@gauss.math.usf.edu
09/89-07/93: Ph. D. of Applied Mathematics, University of
Provence, Marseille, France.
Advisor: Etienne PARDOUX.
09/88-07/89: M.S. of Applied Mathematics, University of
Provence, Marseille, France.
09/82-07/86: Bachelor of Mathematics, Sichuan Normal
University, Sichuan, China.
08/95-: Visiting adjunct Professor, University of
South Florida, FL, USA.
09/93-07/95: Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University
of Provence, Marseille, France.
09/92-07/93: Postgraduate assistant of Mathematics,
University of Provence, Marseille, France.
03/89-07/89: Training period of Master in Eurocopter,
Marseille, France.
Asymptotic analysis of fatigue crack growth.
Languages: C, C++, Java, FORTRAN, PASCAL,
Environment: Sun/Unix/Open Windows, Macintosh,
Dissertation:Asymptotic study of a probabilistic
model of fatigue crack growth and Nonlinear
filtering of a reflected diffusion process with
jumps by a Poisson-type marked point
process, University of Provence, July 1993.
Article:Filtrage d'une diffusion réfléchie à sauts,
observée à travers un processus
ponctuel marqué, Stochastics and Stochastics
Reports, Vol. 51 (1994), pp. 51-67.
Article: On asymptotic properties of some sequences
of random variable, with application,
Article: (with Etienne PARDOUX) Probabilistic
interpretation of systems of nonlinear
parabolic partial differential equations, submitted.
Conference:First conference on Applied Mathematics
for Young Chinese Scholars, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 10-16 July,1992.
Presented work: Asymptotic analysis of a fatigue
crack growth model.
Conference: AMS joint Mathematics meetings, January
10-13, 1996. Orlando, Florida, USA. Solving a system of nonlinear parabolic P.D.E. by a probabilistic method.
Research Report: Filtrage d'une diffusion réfléchie
à sauts, observée à travers un processus ponctuel
marqué, Report of INRIA in Sophia Antipolis,
no. 2106, November 1993.
Research Report: Introductions to theories and to
some models of fatigue crack growth,
Internal Report of Eurocopter, 1990.
Computer program: Numerical simulation of a
probabilistic model of fatigue crack growth,
written in C, contract with French National Agency
of Innovations, September 1993.
people have been here since December 10th 1996.